The Edge

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Displaying all 52 edge resources
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  • How We Think is How We Work, Love & Live. Is It Time to Rethink Our Thinking?

    Every day, our lives are filled with conversations: interactions we have with strangers, connections we share with our closest friends, loved ones, and family members. But the person we actually talk to the most is ourselves. While we may not speak out loud (at least, not all the time), we’re constantly interacting with the internal […]

  • Make More of Yourself While Asking Less of Yourself

    Considering the wide range of self-development books we all read, it can often seem like they offer conflicting advice. For every book that conveys the importance of banning distractions to achieve more, there’s another that implores us to give ourselves grace and be okay with doing less. But these books really don’t conflict at all […]

  • Burnout is Real. Are There Real Methods Out There for Solving It?

    Working professionals have never been challenged harder to maintain mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Work-related stress has reached unprecedented levels, with nearly 70% of people experiencing emotional and physical fatigue related to internal and external stressors. And that’s before the pandemic showed up on the scene. Declining job performance, dissatisfaction, burnout, and harmful levels of […]

  • How To Be An Engaging Speaker

    Great speakers keep people’s attention by delivering expertly planned presentations. Without capturing the interest of your audience right from the start and knowing how to sustain that interest, your opportunity to influence your audience will be lost. In this Executive Edge, you will learn how to engage people in your presentations and conversations and become […]

  • Conversation: The Human Connection

    We are human beings, and the one thing that’s absolutely necessary for us to thrive is the connection with others. In this month’s Edge, we dive into three titles all written by Patrick King. The first is Improve Your People Skills, where King encourages his readers to foster connections with people. The second being Better […]

  • Public Speaking is Public Being

    What does improving your public speaking really mean? Does it mean you’ll make more sales? Convince people to see things your way? Those are just effects. The purpose of mastering public speaking is much broader— it’s about taking control of your own voice and making what you think and feel on the inside clearer and […]

  • Productivity for a Better Life, Not Just a Better Career

    We all understand what productivity is. It’s doing more, accomplishing more, and getting more out of our allotted time in a given day. Productivity is the way we turn ideas or goals into finished products. But that all describes what productivity is, not what productivity is for. That’s where we often miss the point. Productivity […]

  • Want to Make A Transformation? Start with Changing a Mind

    When it comes to setting our life and career goals, it’s often our tendency to focus on the “easily measured thing.” We identify metrics, KPIs, and timelines that we feel will help make our goals a reality. But what if the ultimate barriers to achieving our goals aren’t outside, but within us? What if by […]

  • Want to Accomplish More? Start by Doing Less

    We all want to achieve more. We want to meet our goals, we want to impress our bosses and peers. We want to check more items off our checklists in less time. Meanwhile, there are thousands upon thousands of books promising to tell us exactly how to do it. But in this issue, we’re focusing […]

  • Defeating the Competition, Bad Habits, and Self-Doubt

    As we approach the halfway point of 2021, some of us may find that we’re settling back into some bad habits that defined our lives before the shake-up of the last 18 months. So, how do we confront challenges, stagnant habits, and a lack of inspiration or motivation to excel in our professional goals? In […]

  • The Power of Changing Your Industry, Your World, and Your Own Habits

    Change could certainly be considered a top candidate for the word that best sums up what we’ve all experienced over 2020 and 2021. Our world changed, turned upside down by a rampant pandemic. Businesses and industries were transformed. And our personal habits were forced to change, first when social distancing became the norm and then […]

  • How Can We Think More Clearly, Innovate More Often, and Find Clarity?

    Thomas Edison had the following quote displayed on a sign at his famous laboratory at Menlo Park: “There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labour of thinking.” For all of the literary world’s focus on productivity and success, there aren’t quite as many places to turn when […]

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