Reimagining Collaboration

Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-COVID World of Work
By Phil Simon
# 10min reading time / 15min listening time
About the Summary

Reimagining Collaboration introduces a fundamentally different model for workplace collaboration and communication. The fulcrum of this book is the hub-spoke model of collaboration, which allows for the stitching together of different applications without any coding. As a result, you’ll be able to minimize rework, automate tasks, and quickly get on the same page as your colleagues. You’ll also communicate and collaborate much better, too.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How collaboration tools have evolved over time, and where things stand now.
  • How technology can lead to enhanced collaboration power.
  • How to move from the theory of collaborative perfection into actual practice.
  • Why effective collaboration requires a spirit of lifelong learning, and how to instill it in your organization.
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