Leading at a Higher Level

Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations
# 15min reading time / 23min listening time
About the Summary

Blanchard, a leading management consultant and author of The New York Times best seller The One Minute Manager, and his colleagues at the Ken Blanchard Companies have spent over 25 years helping leaders and organizations become great and remain great. Finally they have brought all of that knowledge together and distilled it into Leading at a Higher Level.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:
• How to ground your leadership in humility.
• Ways to focus on the greater good of people and the organization.
• Why it is important to have an engaged workforce of self leaders.
• How to go beyond the short term and zero in on the right target and vision.
• Ways to deliver legendary, maniacal customer service, and earn raving fans.
• How to determine your leadership point of view.

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