About the Summary

Editor’s Note: What stands out in this book is Backus’ emphasis on self-compassion as the key to more effective and empathetic leadership.


Human First, Leader Second: How Self-Compassion Outperforms Self-Criticism offers an actionable, experimental resource for leaders to increase their personal and professional quality of life. You’re not a leader trying to be human. You are a human first, trying to lead other humans. As we hear more and more often, there are no hard and soft skills, only human and technical skills. This book will help you exponentially grow your human skills while fostering the resilience and curiosity you need to bolster your technical skills. There is no secret sauce that’s already bottled and ready to be bought. Each of us needs to make our own secret sauce, and that takes a lifetime. Massimo Backus won’t tell you what to do, but his book will help you discover what you already know deep down.

In this Executive Book Summary®:

  • Identify which outdated leadership personas limit potential.
  • Learn why self-compassion is crucial in leadership.
  • Grasp how the Ward Model helps navigate leadership challenges.
  • Comprehend how self-compassion can transform organizational culture.
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