About the Summary

Building a dream team that is always at its peak performance is far from easy. But does that mean it’s not possible? Absolutely not! The gap between where you are now and a 10 represents your company’s potential. The book Be a Better Team By Friday: A Playbook for High-Performance Business Leaders will help you get to 10 fast. It contains the foundational skills and tools that turn groups of high-talent individuals into extraordinary work teams. The book also helps leaders grow motivation and engagement on the team, get more done with less work, build a sense of greater purpose, and ultimately become a better team by Friday!

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to build a high-performing team and business.
  • How to adopt the mindset of great leadership.
  • How to know your and your organization’s “Fundamental Why.”
  • How to stay focused and get things done.
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