In this Soundview Live webinar, What Keeps Leaders Up at Night, Nicole Lipkin shows you how to recognize and resolve eight of the most troubling management issues leaders face today: miscommunication, stress, change, unhealthy competition, damaging group dynamics, loss of motivation and engagement, elusive success, and the typical leadership snafus that make us temporarily go from good to bad.

Explaining the mental processes that play pivotal roles in the workplace, she will help you to gain greater awareness of what causes these recurring problems and to find better solutions by recognizing and addressing those causes more quickly and effectively.

About the Speaker
Nicole Lipkin

Dr. Nicole Lipkin is a business psychologist at Equilibria Leadership Consulting, an international business/organizational solutions company based in the US. She coaches and consults with leaders and their organizations to improve management and leadership skills, strengthen the leadership pipeline and develop sustainable behaviors and practices that help increase organizational and staff resilience and sustainability. She also is the owner of Equilibria Psychological and Consultation Services, a mid-sized group psychology practice located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

She is a sought after speaker, consultant and coach who has been retained by organizations such as Aqua America, The American Society of Training and Development, ProObject, American Academy of Osteopathic Surgeons, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), City Security and Resilience Networks (CSARN) in the UK, LatinNext and HR Academy in Brazil, Global Aware International and Tiny-G in the UK, Security Watch India, ICSC, the National Retail Federation and The Boys and Girls Club of America. She has also been an invited presenter at a number of professional, association and corporate conferences.

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