Sigmund Freud meets Peter Drucker…

In this Soundview Live webinar, Unexpected Lessons for Managing Your Boss and Career, Karol Wasylyshyn provides a revealing look at the behavior of top business leaders — and how the next level of aspiring managers can learn to navigate the political and personal landscape.

Based on over 25 years of psychotherapy and consulting experiences, as well as extensive empirical research, Karol Wasylyshyn identifies a dynamic continuum of executive behaviors that are manifested in three specific types of business leaders — Remarkable, Perilous, and Toxic. She describes these types in accessible terms to help readers (1) recognize these behaviors and leadership types and (2) leverage this information to increase their savvy and effectiveness in the workplace.

The audio recording, video recording, and slides will be available to listen to or download from your Online Library immediately after check-out.

About the Speaker
Karol M. Wasylyshyn
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