Turning around floundering companies requires effective management at all levels of the organization. But how is this achieved? What must management do to be effective?

In this Soundview Live webinar, The Learned Disciplines of Management, Jim Burkett answers these questions as he presents a coherent framework of individual disciplines that form a powerful, self-reinforcing management system for making the right things happen. They include planning, organizing, measuring performance, executing, following up, real-time reporting, and problem solving. Each discipline is impactful, and all are indispensable. Their practice is the best way to understand what effective management does.

About the Speaker
Jim Burkett

Jim Burkett is a turnaround specialist and president of Corporate Turnaround Consulting, Inc. During the past thirty-five years, he has turned around twenty eight underperforming and troubled companies using his hands-on experience to transform management effectiveness through practicing the learned disciplines of management.

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