A Thousand Barrels a Second

The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World
By Peter Tertzakian
# 15min reading time / 20min listening time
About the Summary

In A Thousand Barrels a Second, Chief Energy Economist of ARC Financial Peter Tertzakian delivers a provocative look at the future of oil and offers fresh insight into what it will take to rebalance our energy needs, while seizing new opportunities in a post-crude-oil world. He also offers a brief history of worldwide energy policy as well as explanations of past “break points,” such as when the world shifted away from whale oil toward rock oil, and how the invention of electricity became linked to the notions of scientific and social progress. This summary also takes a look at the kinds of energy policies that would be best for the United States in the years ahead.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • About the history of energy development and the meaning of “break points.”
  • That the oil crisis isn’t so much about running out of oil, but running out of the oil that’s easiest to process.
  • Why there are no “magic bullets” that will solve the energy crisis.
  • That the solutions to the energy crisis involve some public sacrifice and a mix of resources involving coal, gas, natural gas and perhaps even nuclear power.
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