Great brands can be built—and Denise Lee Yohn knows exactly how to do it. Delivering a fresh perspective, our Soundview Live webinar with Denise Lee Yohn, What Great Brands Do, teaches an innovative brand-as-business strategy that enhances brand identity while boosting profit margins, improving company culture, and creating stronger stakeholder relationships. Drawing from twenty-five years of consulting work with such top brands as Frito-Lay, Sony, Nautica, and Burger King, Yohn explains key principles of her brand-as-business strategy. Filled with targeted guidance for CEOs, COOs, entrepreneurs, and other organization leaders, this event provides an essential blueprint for launching any brand to meteoric heights.

About the Speaker
Denise Lee Yohn

Blending a fresh perspective, twenty-five years of experience, and a talent for inspiring audiences, Denise Lee Yohn is a leading authority on building and positioning exceptional brands. Denise initially cultivated her brand-building approaches through several high-level positions in advertising and client-side marketing. She served as lead strategist at advertising agencies for Burger King and Land Rover and as the marketing leader and analyst for Jack in the Box restaurants and Spiegel catalogs. Denise went on to head Sony Electronic Inc.’s first-ever brand office, where she was the vice president/general manager of brand and strategy and garnered major corporate awards.

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