In this Soundview Live webinar, The Advantage Strategy Paradigm, Mark Hefner explains the principles that can guide all executives in the decisions and actions they take related to developing, planning, and executing strategy. Principles provide a broad context for strategic action and guidelines that can be communicated and taught at all levels of the organization, eventually becoming part of the organization’s culture.

When these five principles are combined together and adopted by your organization as the way to think, decide, and act on strategy, big improvements to strategy management and corresponding results will follow. Huge leaps in sustainable performance improvements and value will come from having these principles as a part of the DNA of your culture.

About the Speaker
Mark Hefner

Mark Hefner is President and COO of N2Growth. He has thirty years experience as a management consultant, advisor, author and speaker on the topics of strategy, execution and transformational leadership. Mr. Hefner has significant experience assisting clients around the world to apply results focused and accelerated processes to develop, lead and execute strategies to realize competitive advantages.

Prior to joining N2Growth he was a Managing Director with the Palladium Group, Co-founder and Senior Partner with Conner Partners Strategy Execution Services, National Practice Leader Ernst & Young’s Business Change Implementation Practice and National Practice Leader for KPMG’s Organizational Change Management Practice.

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