Every enterprise has an informal as well as a formal organization. The formal consists of analyses, strategies, structures, processes, and programs — all codified in memos, charts, and power-point presentations. The informal consists of emerging ideas, social networks, working norms, values, peer relationships, and communities of common interest.

In this Soundview Live webinar, authors Jon Katzenbach and Zia Khan make the compelling case that it is in the less familiar informal world where magic happens… yet one without the other is unlikely to sustain peak performance over time.

About the Speaker
Jon R. Katzenbach

Jon R. Katzenbach is the Senior Partner of Katzenbach Partners LLC, a consulting firm in New York City that specializes in leadership, team, and workforce performance. He is the author of Teams at the Top and co-author of Real Change Leaders, as well as the author of the bestseller The Wisdom of Teams.

Zia Khan
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