Thirty-two thousand years ago, your many-times-great-grandparents Oog and Aag drew pictures on the wall of a cave. Today, after so many years when speaking and writing dominated, we’re back in another highly visual age. This explosion of communication through pictures isn’t a millennial-driven fad; it’s as natural as those lines first drawn by Oog and Aag. Just turbo-charged by the latest technology.

Get ready for the ultimate crash course in communicating and solving problems through simple pictures. You don’t need to be da Vinci to be an outstanding visual thinker and communicator. The most effective drawings are the simplest, and you can get good at those in three minutes.

In this Soundview Live webinar, How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate With Your Visual Mind, Dan Roam will teach you how to use seven basic shapes to explain just about anything to just about anyone. Get ready to work smarter, communicate more clearly, and get better at whatever you do, just by picking up a pen.

About the Speaker
Dan Roam
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