Where Gratitude and Leadership Meet

March 1, 2023

Book Review by Taylor Berrett

There is ample evidence to suggest that gratitude and leadership are intertwined. A leader who expresses gratitude is more likely to be perceived as effective and fair. Moreover, research has shown that grateful leaders are more likely to inspire employees to go above and beyond the call of duty. Grateful leaders also tend to be more supportive and empowering, creating a work environment that is conducive to innovation and creativity. It’s clear that grateful leaders are more effective. So how do we develop those traits in our leaders?

Jim Edwards is a highly respected journalist and thinker, most well-known to the public as the former editor-inchief of Insider’s news division. He also was the founding editor of Business Insider UK, as well as managing editor at Adweek. He’s written in Slate, Salon, The Independent, MTV, The Nation, and AOL, and his investigative journalism was cited in relation to the death penalty in a landmark Supreme Court case. Now, he’s turned his attention to leadership and management with his book, Say Thank You for Everything.

The book goes further than simply suggesting that managers should practice gratitude. It provides tools to help managers learn how to hire better, increase productivity, reduce burnout, and much more.. Edwards explains the importance of connecting with your enemies, and offers strategies for doing so even when it feels uncomfortable. He also shares real-world examples of how managers have used this technique to bring out the best in their teams and turn difficult situations into successes.

Create Value at Your Company by Creating Value in Your People

One of the most powerful takeaways from Say Thank You for Everything is its emphasis on creating a workplace culture where everyone feels appreciated and valued. Edwards points out that expressing gratitude can be an effective way to show others that they matter, which in turn helps build trust and respect within any organization. By incorporating these principles into their management style, business owners and managers can quickly create a more positive environment for employees.

The Bottom Line

Overall, Say Thank You for Everything is an invaluable resource for those looking to strengthen their leadership skills and foster trust within their teams. With its thoughtful approach to expressing gratitude, the book shows readers how to express genuine appreciation that goes far beyond simple platitudes or empty words. Edwards’ insights provide readers with the tools they need to create effective communication strategies and cultivate strong relationships at work. This book provides essential guidance on how to foster a culture of appreciation in any organization. It’s worth reading for any manager or leader.