Unlock the 7 Secrets to Leading Others

May 28, 2020

What is great leadership? What separates the merely competent leaders from those rare individuals who leave a lasting impression on everyone around them? One of the world’s most in-demand CEO coaches and top leadership gurus, John Mattone has identified the key qualities that, together, make up the mindset of great leadership.

2020 Best Book

In The Intelligent Leader, Mattone lays out an accessible, practical, and compelling path that anyone can take to become the kind of leader that brings enrichment to the lives of others, enjoys a more fulfilling life, and leaves a lasting legacy. Our summary presents Mattone’s seven dimensions of intelligent leadership and offers proven strategies to help leaders put them into action.

The world today needs leaders who understand the subtle dynamics of the human heart, mind, and soul, starting with their own. For those willing to do the work to unleash their inner light and let it shine in every dimension in their lives, The Intelligent Leader is an indispensable guide.

In the Soundview Summary of The Intelligent Leader, you will learn:

  • Why you must focus on your inner core to become an intelligent leader.
  • How to develop your core purpose statement.
  • How to cultivate a mindset of duty, leverage your gifts, and address your gaps.
  • Skills to help you stay present and, when necessary, to correct your course.
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