Add the Missing Ingredients Your Business Needs

May 28, 2019

The world has changed, and the human touch in business is a casualty of those changes. Many people seem to believe that everything is about them. Technology allows us, even requires us at times, to transact business with machines rather than human beings. Somewhere along the way, dealing with others with heartfelt kindness has become a lost art.

The Spirit of Hospitality: How to Add the Missing Ingredients Your Business Needs explains how to own a spirit of hospitality and infuse it in your business to make it successful.

Author Larry Stuart, a hospitality expert with 40+ years of experience in hospitality leadership, explains the seven key ingredients of hospitality and what business should be like when they’re applied. This book is not about being fake. The spirit of hospitality is caught, not taught. Especially if you are a leader in hotel, restaurant, or airline management, this book will inspire you to “catch” a heart that recognizes kindness and spreads it to others. In the process, your business’ bottom line will grow.

The Spirit of Hospitality will show you:

  • What it means to run a business with a spirit of hospitality.
  • The 7 key ingredients in the spirit of hospitality.
  • How you can build and maintain a spirit of hospitality in any type of business.
  • How incorporating hospitality tenets will help your business.

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