by Andre Young
NOTE: This is the second in an ongoing series of posts from Andre that will provide timely tips for developing your unique leadership style.
When most people hear the word “Leader,” they may visualize one person leading a group of people on some type of mission to success; whether at a company, a sport, the military, etc. It’s quite common to think of a leader leading alone. However, this is rarely the case!
Leaders within organizations often have other leaders at their level (their coworkers) and leaders they report to, CEOs report to a Board, Head Coaches are on a team with General Managers and Owners, and in your personal life, although you are a leader … you may have your significant other.
The fact is, leaders are also on a team… and it’s not always pretty! Leaders can disagree on the best ways to move forward, what’s most important at the moment, personality clashes, ego of whose job or department works the hardest and is most important, following through with plans, and more! Sound familiar? So, what to do?
Andre Young is a speaker, author, leadership trainer, and Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC. He worked as a Mental Health Therapist for 19 years, played sports at every level from high school to professional, been an employee, business owner, and self-employed, and is an author of three books, EVOLVE, 7 Ways to Love, and 7 Ways to Lead. Most people would like to EVOLVE as leaders, professionally and personally, and as Founder of You Evolving Now it is Andre’s mission to enhance their leadership with his books, on-site speaking engagements, and leadership programs.