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Franklin Ashby
Franklin C. Ashby, Ph.D. is chairman and co-founder of The Leadership Capital Group, LLC of Princeton, New Jersey, specializing in leadership development, executive and management development, and executive transition.
Dr. Ashby is the former chief educational officer of Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., the world’s largest for-profit adult training organization. He has also served as executive vice president of Manchester Partners International, and president of Manchester Training during his career.
A nationally recognized writer and speaker, Dr. Ashby’s recent books include Revitalize Your Corporate Culture (Gulf Publishing; 1999) and Effective Leadership Programs (ASTD; 1999). His service on boards includes recent terms as chairman of the Business Advisory Board at the
American Council on Education and member of the National Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials in Washington, D.C. He lives with his wife, Rita, and their son, Danny on Long Island, New York.