In this Soundview Live webinar, innovation expert and author of Invisible Solutions, Stephen Shapiro shares his methods on how to solve any problem faster, with less risk and lower cost.

To find better solutions, you need to first ask better questions. The questions you ask determine which solutions you’ll see and which will remain hidden.

About the Speaker
Stephen Shapiro

Stephen Shapiro began his journey when he founded and led a 20,000-member process and innovation practice during his fifteen-year tenure at Accenture. After leaving the consulting firm, he authored seven books on innovation, including Best Practices Are Stupid and Invisible Solutions. He also developed Personality Poker, a powerful card game that helps create high-performing teams. He has presented his provocative ideas on innovation and collaboration to audiences in fifty countries and is a Senior Fellow with The Conference Board. In 2015, he was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame.

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