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Thomas Stanley
Thomas J. Stanley, America’s foremost authority on the affluent, is a respected researcher, advisor, and author of several highly regarded, award winning books on America’s wealthy population.
Dr. Stanley is the author of The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind. These books spent more than 170 weeks combined on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list. His Millionaire Women Next Door was selected as a finalist for the business book of the year by the Independent Publishers Association and was on several business best sellers lists. Dr. Stanley’s first three books, Marketing to the Affluent, Selling to the Affluent, and Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors, were all designated as outstanding business books. In total, more than three million copies of Dr. Stanley’s books have been sold worldwide.
Dr. Stanley has authored more than 40 published articles which deal with the affluent in America. His most significant, ground breaking articles include: "America’s Affluent," American Demographics; "How to Live Like a Millionaire," Reader’s Digest , originally published as "Why You’re Not as Wealthy as You Should Be," and "The Doctor who Manages his Own Investments Has a Fool for a Client," Medical Economics.
Dr. Stanley has also published numerous articles on the topic of marketing professional services to the affluent, including: "Ways to Add Value for Clients," Journal of Accountancy; "How to Network with Affluent Client Prospects," Marketing for Lawyers; "Marketing Trust Services to the Affluent," Trust and Estates and "Investment Management and the Affluent Customer," The Bankers Magazine.