Peter Scott-Morgan

Peter Scott-Morgan has maintained business, academic and writing careers largely in parallel throughout his career. He has consulted throughout North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and Latin America.

He has built a track record of published thought leadership, authoring over one hundred articles and refereed papers. He has conducted numerous executive development programs, written a post-graduate technology course for the Open University, and has taught MBA courses at the London Business School, the Rotterdam School of Management (as visiting professor), and the ADL School of Management at Boston College (where he was Professor of Business for six years).

Peter has been on radio and television innumerable times. Specifically in times of rapid changes and big upheavals in board rooms all over the world, he helps large organisations to reposition themselves. In his presentations he shares his expertise on culture and leadership issues drawn on his original and new research of the unwritten rules as well as the impact of technology on people, subjects highly in demand at management meetings across the globe.

He has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees at one of the top 30 US international business schools. In an executive role he has also been Senior Vice President and CLO of a 3,500-person professional services firm, heading the corporate internal Change and Learning department of 55 people responsible for change management, knowledge management, corporate communications, and organisation and staff development.

In addition to academia and management consulting, he has worked in industrial automation, in contract R&D, and founded and led an educational video production company. He is currently Vice President and Managing Director, Continuous Services, Europe at The Concours Group.

Peter has a Ph.D. in robotics from the London University Faculty of Engineering, the masters diploma of the Imperial College (D.I.C.) in artificial intelligence and an honours degree in computing.