Erik Olesen

Erik Olesen has worked as a psychotherapist, biofeedback trainer, and neurofeedback trainer for over 20 years. He counsels and trains individuals, couples, and kids. Erik is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in California, and is certified in biofeedback and neurofeedback by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. He formerly taught biofeedback and stress management at San Francisco State University.

Erik has spoken or consulted for over 100 organizations throughout the U.S., including Citicorp, U.C. Davis, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, and Blue Shield. His book, Mastering the Winds of Change was published by HarperCollins Publishers in New York. He also wrote a picture book designed to help children become happier and more confident. It’s called The Little Sailboat and the Big Storm (Coming of Age Press). Erik is currently writing a new book called Brain Boost: How to Bounce Back from a Brain Injury.

Erik is certified in a new EMDR type treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, called Bilateral Stimulation and Emotion Regulation. This treatment approach, pioneered by John Omaha, Ph.D., is highly effective in helping clients deal with and resolve highly charged emotional issues, in addition to PTSD and addictions.