Dale Zand

Dale E. Zand specializes in Strategic Management, Organization Development and Change, and Leadership and Trust.

Professor Zand has been a consultant to senior management in numerous industries including energy, finance, food, chemicals and paper. He has served on the board of directors of several organizations.

Professor Zand is the author of The Leadership Triad: Knowledge, Trust, and Power (Oxford Univ. Press) and Information, Organization, and Power: Management in the Knowledge Society (McGraw-Hill). His articles have been published in numerous journals including Management Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review and Strategy and Leadership.

Professor Zand is a former chairman of the Department of Management at the Stern School of Business and served on the faculty from 1950 to 2000. He was a Ford Foundation Fellow at the Harvard Business School. He is a former chairman of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management.