Adele Sweetwood

Adele Sweetwood is the head of Global Marketing for SAS, the world’s largest independent analytics company. She has held a variety of sales, services, and marketing positions at SAS for 27 years, and most recently led the transformation of the marketing organization to meet the challenges and opportunities of data and analytics in a globalized market. In addition to being an authentic and passionate business leader, Adele Sweetwood is first and foremost a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Constantly learning from life and work experiences has enabled her to effectively strategize, problem solve, and implement change; her leadership style prioritizes collaboration, decisiveness, and communication. Leading with her head and her heart inspires creativity and accountability, building trust across her organization.As a marketing executive with close to 30 years of accomplishments, Adele knows that marketing today is all about the customer, who are always connected and have high expectations. To lead a marketing group today, you need stamina, a sense of humor and the occasional Downton Abbey marathon to unwind. Marketers contend with a variety of channels, devices, markets, and disruptive technologies; never before has there been such a dynamic emergence of user-generated content, social sharing, online communities and uber-informed consumers.Adele’s role at SAS, the world’s leading analytics company, is to harness all of this customer energy into strategic, high-performing marketing programs while continually improving upon the customer experience. She is privileged to lead an organization of over 420 savvy marketers, analysts, and engagement specialists that leverage an analytical culture which enables her organization to draw customers to the SAS brand and engage them with relevant content, offers, and experiences.